How To Ride a Hoverboard: Learn To Be A Pro!

SWAGTRON Hoverboarding for Beginners

SWAGTRON is the number one hoverboard brand on the market today and fully UL2772 certified so that when you’re riding with SWAGTRON, you can be confident that you’re riding with the best. The SWAGTRON T3 is without a doubt, one of the coolest hoverboards around today and comes with LED lights, a Bluetooth speaker, and an Android and IOS app.

Below is an introductory video where you’ll learn what riding with SWAGTRON is all about.

Now that you’ve had a chance to see the SWAGTRON up close and on video, here are some key features to keep in mind the next time you pick up a hoverboard.

Riding Modes

The T3 has three riding modes:

Learning Mode

which governs the speed of the SWAGTRON T3 & T1 so that you can practice balancing and general movement, and allowing you to feel out your swag.

Standard Mode

which removes learning mode speed restrictions and allows the SWAGTRON to reach max speeds of up to 8 MPH.

Advanced Mode

which allows SWAGTRON riders to zip down the street and allows the SWAGTRON T3 to reach maximum speeds of 8+ MPH.

For T1 & T3 models to enter beginner mode rapidly press the power button twice. Or you can use the Swagtron Phone app (App for T3 only)

Getting On

Getting on and off the hoverboard can be tricky for riders who are first starting out. However, once you follow these simple steps, you’ll be getting on and swagging out in no time.

In order to get on your T3, first make sure that your hoverboard is powered on. The power button can be located on the front of the hoverboard near the right-hand side wheel.

If it’s your first time getting onto a hoverboard, it’s recommended that you practice next to a table or with a type of support located at arm level close to you.

To get on the hoverboard, stand behind the hoverboard and place your dominant food onto the foot pad. If you feel unsteady, hold onto something for support. Next, place the other foot onto the foot pad while keeping your body upright. Be careful not to lean forward as you step onto the SWAGTRON, as this will cause the SWAGTRON to accelerate.

how-to-get-on-a-hoverboard Always step on/off the hoverboard from the back

Steering and Controlling

Hoverboard steering and controlling is based on the shifting of your bodyweight. SWAGTRON uses internal gyroscopes to make sure that you’re kept upright, so that all you have to do is shift your weight forward to go forward, and shift your weight back to move back. Make sure to use your core rather than your head or upper body to control the hoverboard, as this will give you a smoother riding experience.

In order to turn left or right, shift your body weight slightly in the direction that you want to go, shifting your weight onto your right foot if you want to turn right, and left foot to turn left.

First time riders often shift their weight too much in one direction and end up performing a 360 spin on their hoverboard, and giving them a taste of the tricks that you can perform on a hoverboard.

Getting Off

To safely step off your T3, it’s important to step down from behind your hoverboard rather than in front of it.

Simply follow the same instructions that you used to get on, and step off one foot at a time, using a support handhold if you feel unstable.

hoverboarding-with-friends Hoverboarding is always more fun with your friends. Don’t forget to wear a helmet!

General Safety Tips

For safety reasons, it’s recommended that you wear a helmet and safety gear at all times.

In order to have greater control over your SWAGTRON, connect it to the SWAGTRON app and adjust the speed, sensitivity, and acceleration settings to your comfort level.

For safety reasons, the hoverboard will require a higher exertion of force once it reaches 10% battery, and begin emitting a beeping sound, letting you know that it’s time to charge.

Never ride the SWAGTRON in heavy rain, or over uneven or cracked terrain.


SWAGTRON, adventures begin with your feet!

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