SWAGTRON Hoverboard Mashable Review – SWAGTRON is almost good enough to revive the hoverboard craze

Mashable Product Review On SWAGTRON hoverboard

Hello everyone, check out this awesome review from Mashable in the video above. Let us know what you think in the comment section below. Remember, don’t forget to like, share,and subscribe to SWAGTRONUSA to stay up to date on all SWAGTRON News!
Link to full article: https://mashable.com/2016/07/05/swagtron-review/#Zaafm.JVzkqh.

Lance Ulanoff with Mashable does an unboxing of the SWAGTRON Hoverboard. He talks about how they are the most popular on the market. He talks about how the SWAGTRON was the first to get the UL certification. He talks about the new SentryShield Battery within the hoverboard that makes it better than older and cheaper models. He talks about the UL Certification sticker on the bottom along with the carrying strap. He talks about the smooth ride of the T3 and the new battery light indicator.


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