It takes kids around twenty minutes to master the self-balancing act on a hoverboard. From the moment they open the box to the first tentative step on, kids’ elastic learning curves allow them the determination to get hovering down pat. Others can take about a week of solid practice to gain proper confidence.
But everyone agrees – no matter your adjustment period—once you learn how to hover, there’s really no going back. You’re hooked.
For those looking to learn the basics or for a price guide, this might not be the place. We have written advice for those just breaking onto the hoverboard scene here in our hoverboard buyers guide, or if you need a place to practice, we can recommend 10 rad scenes for you and your board.
However, for all of you looking to improve their skills, learn some simple to semi-difficult tricks and challenge yourself – this is the place.
“Hoverboard Tricks – A Complete Tutorial”
Here, we have compiled a list of tricks according to your skill set – whether you are riding just getting to know your hoverboard, or you’re a veteran seeking another trick to add to your repertoire.
To help you, we’ve added detailed instructions alongside example videos and gifs. So, sit back, relax, and let us help you learn some awesome hoverboard tips and tricks.
First thing’s first…
The real secret to learning any tricks on your hoverboard is pretty simple:
“Keep Your Balance.”
It sounds like basic advice, but experienced riders swear by it on the daily.
With that in mind, let’s start learning!
“For the Beginning Riders”
Right off the bat, you might be ready to hop on your hoverboard and imitate all those crazy moves you’ve seen the Bot Bros do – however, experienced riders can’t stress enough the importance of starting out small.
For those who just recently learned to ride their boards with confidence, or those who are still learning, we recommend starting out with the bare bones basic tricks.
“The Stork”

This trick is simple enough. Once you feel confident balancing, spinning, and accelerating on your board, give this a shot.
Start out with a little test practice. Take one foot off the board and keep yourself afloat on the other for around ten seconds. You may spin a little bit, but if you keep your remaining foot level, you should balance in a fixed place. Might take some concentration on your part, but remember to relax.
From here, step up on your footpad with the foot you’d normally keep on the other side (i.e., take your left foot and step up on the right side of the board’s footpad). After that, lift your remaining foot and rest it lightly on the board’s bumper. You’re going to spin a bit, so don’t panic, just have fun with it!
Be sure not to lay your whole weight down on the bumper – it’s not quite up to the task of holding your whole body weight like the footpads are!
“The Genie”

Ever wanted to take a magic carpet ride? While you can’t exactly emulate Aladdin’s hot whip all the way, you can impress your friends with this trick.
Start out in your backyard or a large room with nothing breakable nearby. Have your hoverboard in front of you and pop your shins on top of the footpads while keeping the tops of your feet flat on the ground behind you.
Using your shins and your feet as anchor, you can practice learning to balance on your knees until you feel comfortable enough to lift your feet off the ground and move around.
This trick gives the illusion that you’re floating around on the ground. Some people even take it far enough to sit crisscross, but that’s a more intermediate trick.
Speaking of intermediate….
“For Intermediate Riders”
All right, you’ve put in some practice and can ride your board comfortably without giving it much thought. You’re ready to try something a little more, well, daring.
“The Butterfly”

Gingerly sit on one end of your hoverboard with your feet counterbalancing on the opposite footpad. Your knees should be bent and facing up. Experienced riders will tell you to keep your legs open like butterfly wings in a loose, relaxed position.
To move, press down on the footpad with the heels of your feet and lean backward and forwards. Once you have the rhythm down, you’ll glide easily back and forth.
To get out of this position carefully, plant your hands behind you and lift your feet and bottom off the board at the same time – to avoid spinning or speeding off.
“One-Foot Roundabout”

This is a trick we’re borrowing from the Bot Bro’s book.
Keep your feet and body relaxed. Squat down evenly and place one hand on your board’s bumper. Lift the same foot behind you (i.e., right hand on bumper, right foot in the air behind you) and grab it with your remaining hand (i.e., your left hand), and hold on tight.
Make sure your foot resting on the pad is relaxed so you don’t involuntarily move. Once you feel confident in your balance, go ahead and lean forward or backward to spin.
The Bot Bro’s perform this trick in their routines often – it’s a surefire way to showcase your impressive hoverboard skills to your friends.
“For Expert Riders”
All right. You’ve mastered most elements of hoverboarding. You don’t blink when going over a speed bump, or off a curb. You’re ready for the next big thing, even if it means putting in tons of practice – you just want to be the very best!
“The One-Eighty”

This is not for the faint at heart. This requires not only balance, but timing as well. We only recommend practicing this in a secure setting, perhaps in your house with a friend or family member to help you.
Start by standing normally on your hoverboard with your body relaxed. Bend your knees, take a small jump and twist at the same time. Watch your board, spin in a 180-degree turn, and land back on your footpad without falling.
“The Tootsie Roll”

If you can pull this one off, then hat’s off to you – you’re a Rockstar!
This is another trick that is more than just balance alone – it also requires timing and your own personal discretion. Also, just like the One-Eighty, make sure you are practicing in a secure environment with a friend nearby, just in case.
Glide forward quickly on your hoverboard to start. Next, hop backward off your board, causing it to roll over. Let the hoverboard roll all the way until the footpads are facing upwards again and jump (carefully) back on.
This trick takes a lot of practice, and your board may take some scratches, so only try it if you’re very confident.
Well there you have it!
As always, please make sure you or any rider who tries these tricks takes care with a capital “C”!
Make sure when you begin practicing any tricks you’ve never tried before that you’re in a secure environment and have a helmet handy! Keep your feet and body relaxed to prevent any involuntary board movement.
Life with a hoverboard is one big adventure, and we are happy to see our riders challenge themselves and their boards in new ways every day!