So there you were, cruising along, enjoying the weather, pondering the mysteries of life. And then it happened. Some inconsiderate road-dwelling debris jacked up your Swagger 5 Elite front tire. How rude.
Flats. Slow leaks. Eventually, every air-filled tire has to deal with these issues. And while the rear tire for the Swagger 5 Elite has a maintenance-free, airless, honeycomb design, the front tire is pneumatic — meaning, it’s air-filled — and is susceptible to flats and slow leaks. You might find that the front tire doesn’t hold its inflation, which we all know is important to scooter performance. Fortunately, there’s a quick, easy fix.
Fix Swagger 5 Elite Tire – Quick Jump
- Gather Tools
- Clean and Inspect
- Deflate Inner Tube
- Remove Valve Core
- Apply Tire Sealant
- Spin to Spread
- Spin, Inflate, Repeat
- Check Your Work
As with any project, start by gathering all the tools you might need. For this fix, you’ll need:
- Tire sealant
- Valve core removal tool
- Tire pump
- Spray bottle full of soapy water
- Microfiber towel
- Needle-nose pliers

Start by inspecting your tire and rim for damage. Thoroughly wipe down the whole wheel with your microfiber cloth to get rid of any road dirt. Then, remove the valve cap and fill the tire with air.

Flip the scooter on its side and spray the tire rim with the soapy water. Watch for bubbles. Bubbles will form where the leak is.

Flip the scooter back to an upright position. Depress the pin inside the valve. Press down on the tire to deflate the inner tube.

Lay the scooter back on its side. Now it’s time to create an opening for the tire sealant application. To do this, use the needle-nose pliers to hold the valve core still. Insert the valve core remover and twist counterclockwise until the valve core is released.

Remove the blue cap from the tire sealant syringe and insert the tip of the syringe into the valve. Slowly depress the syringe until it is empty, then use a towel to thoroughly wipe away any excess sealant from the tire and rim. You don’t want it gathering dirt.

Next, you’ll reinsert the valve core. Carefully insert the core, still attached to the valve core remover, and twist clockwise until it is secure.

Spin the wheel several times in both directions to spread the sealant thoroughly around the inside of the inner tube. Flip the scooter back into an upright position and inflate the tire to 60 PSI. Do not over-inflate the tire.
After inflation, lift the scooter and hold it sideways. Spin the tire repeatedly in both directions while rotating the handlebars back and forth to thoroughly spread the sealant even more and allow it to move into the cracks.
Check the tire pressure again. If it’s gone down, inflate the tire to 60 PSI again and give it another spin — as you did a moment ago. Repeat this process until the tire stops deflating. Be patient; it might take a while.

Get your bottle of soapy water and spray the rim again to check for leaks. If you don’t get any bubbles around the rim, you’re leak-free!

Give the tire and rim one final wipe down to get rid of the soapy water and any sealant that may have seeped out onto the wheel.

That’s it — you’re done!
If you find that you’re constantly inflating the front tire of your Swagger 5 Elite eScooter more than usual, or that the tire isn’t holding air in it at all, reach out to SWAGTRON customer service and we’ll expedite our tire kit to you. You’ll be up and running again in no time!