What kid watched “Back to the Future ll” and didn’t want a hoverboard? Well, the hoverboards of today don’t necessarily hover above the ground, but rather operate on a gyroscope and electric motor. But that doesn’t stop them from being fun. And when you look at the brand-new hoverboard lineup with the upgraded LiFePo™ battery and the exclusive music-synced ground effects (Warrior and Warrior XL), they’re even more fun than before—even without the actual hovering.
But are hoverboards worth it? We think so. Let’s review the facts.
4 Pros of Owning a Hoverboard
- Easy to operate: These boards respond to your every whim, sensing your movements forward and backward to control speed and direction.
- Shorten travel time: They range in speed from approximately 6 to 10 mph. No more calling for a ride to the bus stop.
- Save money on gas and insurance: Why hop in your car for a short-trip, quick errand when you can just hop on your electric scooters or hoverboards? Trust us: charging your eRideable is way cheaper than filling up with a tank of gas.
- Oh, so fun! What more can we say?
Now, many may argue that hoverboards are expensive, but that doesn’t have to be the case. SWAGTRON® has boards starting at around $150—some as low as $98 for a feature-heavy hoverboard for kids. And our recertified program gives you even more affordable options, guaranteed to work the same as buying new.
Where safety concerns come in, make sure you’re only buying a UL-certified hoverboard. This means that the products have been tested for safety risks by a third-party organization. SWAGTRON sells only UL-certified and compliant products, ensuring you the safest gear for your ride. At the end of the day, hoverboards may be considered adventuresome, but aren’t any more dangerous than rollers skates or skateboards. Just gear up with a helmet and use the board properly.
SWAG TIP: Upcoming swagBOARD models will have EXCLUSIVE LiFePo™ batteries. When used as intended, these batteries are noncombustible and nonflammable from puncture, damage or charging.
Types of Hoverboards
There are three main types of hoverboards, each with its benefits. Basically, it’s all a matter of what you’re looking for. Major hoverboard manufacturers, like SWAGTRON, have a range of options to meet different needs. We’ve broken down the features and costs here to help you decide:
- Classic: The SWAGBOARD Youth T5 Classic is a great example. These boards are ideal for beginners because of their smooth ride and less powerful motors. They can be purchased for an entry price between $150 and $200 and recertified ones are even less.

- Off-road: These hoverboards feature larger wheels and higher wattages to handle just about any terrain. The swagBOARD T6 Outlaw off-road hoverboard features 10-inch wheels and Bluetooth capabilities. This guy retails for around $400.

- Auto Self-balancing: Included in this category is the swagBOARD T1 Sport Hoverboard (available recertified), one of our original and timeless hoverboards that has still racked up plenty of top honors, recently. Also included is the swagBOARD EVO hoverboard. Both models offer automatic balancing at startup. As soon as you power up the board, it “jumps” up, parallel to the ground and ready for the rider to hop on and zoom off. The self-balancing scooter offers newbies a smooth learning curve while providing a comfortable ride from the start.

Hoverboard Maintenance
We’ve covered the types, costs and pros and cons of owning a hoverboard. Let’s take a look at maintenance. Proper, consistent maintenance will help the hoverboard keep up both appearance and performance and help it last longer.
- Regularly clean the wheels because the wheels are the most important part. Every time you use your board, dust and debris get stuck in between the wheels. Forgetting this step could interfere with the function of the motor because the wheels are connected to it. Use a soft brush to wipe them down after riding.
- Make sure your battery is fully charged before use, but don’t overcharge it. You should also make sure your battery is stored somewhere that isn’t too hot.
- Clean the board. This may seem obvious, but it’s more than just about the looks. Dirt and debris can clog the hoverboard and interfere with the sensors.
- Allow it to cool down. Like a cell phone, hoverboards can get overworked and heat up, too. So it’s important that you give it time to cool in between uses.
- Check the pedals before you ride to make sure they aren’t loose.
- If you’re not planning to ride your hoverboard for an extended period, make sure to store it in a cool, dry place that’s also dust-free. This will help to keep the board and battery in top shape.
Still wondering if you should get a hoverboard? Then you haven’t been paying attention. Find more information, including hoverboard tricks for beginners to pros, by exploring more of our website.